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Technical Studies

Associate of Applied Science

技术研究应用科学副学士学位旨在满足双重目的. First, 它将为学生提供在CWC获得应用科学学士学位的机会, 或攻读四年制大学提供的应用科学学士学位. Second, 该学位将允许学生结合两个学科,以便在就业市场上更具竞争力,并满足雇主的要求.

通识教育的要求旨在鼓励学生培养公民意识和参与, communication, critical thinking, personal and professional responsibility, and quantitative literacy.

该计划结合证书或强调特定学科,以满足雇主对没有既定学位课程的独特技能组合的需求. 雇主审查成绩单将能够快速确定专业领域,因为学位将被记录在以下示例中:

Technical Studies: Agriculture-Welding

Technical Studies: Criminal Justice-Equine

Technical Studies: Entrepreneurship-Graphic Art

Technical Studies: Computer Technology-Medical Office

获得乐天堂app独立证书的学生可以通过选择额外的技术技能课程过渡到技术研究AAS学位, 在与指导老师协商并经教务长批准后.

技术研究AAS学位总共需要60个学分. Sixteen (16) credits are required in the general education component, 技术研究部分需要三十八(38)学分, which includes PFDV 1500 Managing Career Development, a minimum of twenty (20) credits is focused in one technical discipline, 其余十五(15)学分选自配套技术课程. Students may complete up to six (6) credits in general electives. 指导老师和教务长必须批准计入学位成绩的课程. Changes in the program require prior advisor and Dean approval.

学生需要与指定的成功教练或指导老师会面,他们将帮助学生制定书面的学习计划. 当前和/或潜在的雇主可能会参与制定学习计划. 书面学习计划由学生和成功指导老师或指导老师共同签署, and then submitted to the appropriate Academic Dean for final approval. 院长将向注册主任提交书面学习计划,以在学位审核系统中正式确定学位要求. Changes in the program require prior advisor and Dean approval.


Course Number Course Credits
PFDV 1500Managing Career Development3
Discipline Specific Technical Courses * 
Other Technical Courses * 


Writing Level I (WR1) 3 credits
American & Wyoming Government (POLS 1000) 3 credits
MATH/APPM/ LSCI 3 credits
学生必须完成两(2)个不同通识教育领域的六(6)个学分的通识教育课程, one of which is either WR2 or ORAL.
UNST 1 credits

Total Credit Hours: 60


技术研究证书I旨在为学生提供满足他们独特兴趣的机会, needs, goals, and employer interests.



技术研究证书学位总共需要31个学分. Seven (7) credits are required in the general education component, 技术研究部分需要二十四(24)学分,其中三(3)学分, WR2 or ORAL, is required, 至少十二(12)个学分集中在一个技术学科, 其余九(9)学分选自配套技术课程.

该证书结合了特定学科或重点课程,以满足雇主对没有既定证书课程的独特技能组合的需求. 审查成绩单的雇主将能够快速确定专业领域,因为证书将被记录在以下示例中:

Technical Studies: Agriculture-Welding

Technical Studies: Criminal Justice-Equine

Technical Studies: Entrepreneurship-Graphic Art

Technical Studies: Computer Technology-Medical Office

学生需要与指定的成功教练或学院学术顾问会面,他们将协助学生制定书面学习计划. 当前和/或潜在的雇主可能会参与制定学习计划. 书面学习计划由学生和成功指导老师或指导老师共同签署, and then submitted to the appropriate Academic Dean for final approval. 院长将向注册主任提交书面学习计划,以便在学位审核系统内确定学位要求.


Program Requirements

Course Number Course Credits
WR2 or ORAL 
Discipline Specific Technical Courses * 
Other Technical Courses * 

General Education Requirements

Writing Level I (WR1) 3 credits
MATH/APPM/LSCI 3 credits
UNST 1 credits

Total Credit Hours: 31

Technical Studies: Entrepreneurship

Associate of Applied Science


Course Number Course Credits
BADM 1005Business Math I3
BADM 1020Business Communications3
ENGL 2002Technical Writing3
BADM 2105Small Business Management3
ENTR 1501Survey of Entrepreneurship1-3
ENTR 1505Entr I: Entrepreneurial Mindset3
ENTR 1525ENTR II: Opportunity Analysis3
BADM 2010Legal Environment of Business3
MGT 3110Business Ethics3
MKT 1000Sales3
MKT 3210Principles of Marketing3
Other Technical Courses * 
Writing Level I (WR1) 3 credits
American & Wyoming Government (POLS 1000) 3 credits
MATH/APPM/LSCI (in program)
学生必须完成两(2)个不同通识教育领域的六(6)个学分的通识教育课程, one of which is either WR2 or ORAL.
WR2 (in program)
UNST 1 credits

Total Credit Hours: 61

Technical Studies: Theatre and Film

Associate of Applied Science

技术研究应用艺术副学士(AAS):戏剧和电影是为那些知道自己对戏剧和电影制作充满热情的学生设计的终极学位. Most theatre programs don’t teach you about film acting or filmmaking. Most film programs don’t teach you about acting or directing actors. This program changes all that. 你将体验到这两个世界的精华,并了解它们是如何相互作用和影响的. The theatre side of the program provides opportunities to write plays, direct, act, and work in technical capacities. The film side will give you opportunities to practice screenwriting, directing, cinematography, editing, sound recording, and other technical responsibilities. 这个项目的特点是基本上有无限的机会来制作原创作品, creative work in theater and film. Upon completion of the degree, 学生将为直接进入电影和娱乐行业做好准备.

Course Number Course Credits
FILM 1000Introduction to Film3
FILM 1100Film Production I4
FILM 1400Screenwriting I3
FILM 2000Film Production II3
FILM 2380Cinema History3
THEA 1100Acting I3
THEA 2030Beginning Playwriting3
THEA 2220Stagecraft3
THEA 2470Directing Practicum1

Students must choose three (3) credits from the following courses:

Course Number Course Credits
THEA 2055Rehearsal and Performance1
THEA 1040Production Crew I0.5

Film Electives:

Course Number Course Credits
COMM 1480Media Arts:3
FILM 1300Editing3
FILM 2100Cinematography3
FILM 2300Directing3
FILM 2400Screenwriting II3

Theatre Electives:

Students must choose nine (9) credits from the following courses:

Course Number Course Credits
THEA 1700Voice for the Actor2
THEA 2010Theatrical Backgrounds Drama I3
THEA 2020Theatrical Backgrounds Drama II3
THEA 2100Acting II3
THEA 2160Stage Make-Up2
THEA 2405Theatre Seminar3
THEA 2720Intro to Stage Combat2
Writing Level I (WR1) 3 credits
American & Wyoming Government (POLS 1000) 3 credits
MATH/APPM/LSCI 3 credits
ARTS (in program)
ORAL/WR2 3 credits
UNST 1 credits

Total Credit Hours: 60